
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

My Hero

MY HERO Kevin Systorm IS MY DREAM POSSIBLE I'm going to explain if my dream is possible or not. I think my dream can be possible because it is about getting supperpowers lik a Jet Pack machine. It is very difficultt to get a Jet Pack, but if you have contacts you can get one for good price. And I have contacts you can get one for a good price. And I have already spoken to sneane. With the Jet Pack I could help people who don't have way of transport, for example, children who can't go to school, or help the elderly carry heavy things. My hero is kevin Systorm, I think, he plays a great role in achieving my dream since 

My Biggest Dream

MY DREAM My dream is "having superpowers", for example flying to travel around the world in afew seconds, or frezing some people to stop bad actions. If someday I have superpowers I woud do some of the challendes, that are in my list. For example, visiting the 7 wonders of the world with my "flying superpower". This "flying superpower" is a big machine with two propeler that can elevate you 50 meters off the ground. I wrote this name "flying superpowers"a because only 5 people in the world have this machine, because is so expensive and happened the same with the freezing stick. I don't know if some day I can get the money to buy the machine or this stick, but to get it I need to work a lot and study every day. Joel Ciobanu Amat 4 ESO B

My Bucket List

__________________________________________ MY BUCKET LIST 1.  Create a business. 2. Create a city in heaven. 3. A machine that exchange trash for money. 4. Parachute. 5. Visit the 7 wonders of the world. 6. Replant trees in burned areas. 7. Create more natura parks. 8. Automate my house. 9.  Create a school with a different education system. 10.  Automate a business, thus automatically generating money. __________________________________________